Black Girl Diplomacy is a mentorship program we created for women and girls that amplifies international diplomacy. We focus on empowerment for young women in the local, national and international government and diplomacy spheres.


Empowering Our Girls
Black Girl Diplomacy aims to make a difference in the diplomacy space, giving our young women opportunities to experience government and civic service first-hand, from seminars and classes to internships and first work experiences. Contact us if you are interested in applying for our Fall 2021 Cohort (young women ages 10-17).

Young Diplomats
Select YPT Global Edge scholars are participating in the U.S. Department of State‘s 2021 U.S. Youth Ambassadors Program. Scholars are chosen to participate through a highly competitive application process involving students from across the country.

Women Leaders & Mentors
We offer virtual and in-person programming to expose our youth to powerful female leaders in various fields. One of these events, our recent “Amplifying Women and Girls in International Diplomacy” webinar, introduced our scholars to guest speakers from around the world: Ambassador Attallah Shabazz, Vayjayanti Pugalia, Lisa Morgan and Margaret Mutumba.
Internship Opportunities
While our primary focus is international excellence and education, we believe it is also essential for girls to have access to state and national opportunities and to be part of the government and political process.
We draw upon our relationships with local and national officials to provide both remote and in-person internship opportunities for young women in the program.
As many internship opportunities are unpaid, we are working to build a scholarship fund for program participants. We believe all students who desire the experience of working in government deserve to have the opportunity to do so.

Your Support Needed

To make Black Girl Diplomacy programs available to as many of our young women as possible, we invite you to make a donation. We also welcome donations of airline miles, points and travel vouchers.
